Podcasts & Streaming

Transform your streaming and podcasting visions into reality with our top-spec production facilities. Whether you’re a seasoned creator or just starting out, our studio has everything you need to produce high-quality audio and video content that captivates your audience.

Our studio

Located in the heart of Łódź, our studio is equipped with the latest technology and amenities to support your creative endeavours. From soundproof recording booths to top-of-the-line recording equipment. We have everything you need to create professional-grade content.

Unleash your full potential.

PC Specs:

i5 12400f
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060

Our services

man podcasting & streaming

Recording Sessions

Unlock the power of our studio for your podcast recordings, live streams, interviews, and beyond.


Need specialised equipment for your recording session? We have a wide range of top-spec equipment.

Café & Bar

Recharge during podcasting and streaming by fuelling up at our vibrant Café & Bar. Food and beverages can be delivered directly to your room whilst you stream.

BaseStack XP


We pride ourselves on offering top facilities and equipment to ensure the highest quality output for your projects. 


Whether you need a one-time booking or a recurring arrangement, we offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs.

Customer service

Our team is committed to delivering an expert service and exceptional customer support to help you achieve your goals.

Contact us.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Fill out the form and we will reply as soon as possible.

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©2024 BaseStack Łódź